Monday, 17 December 2012

Baptism kidsclub children

 A day never to forget! What a beautiful day
we all had on Sunday the 2nd of December.

From January through to December the Yolngu Christian leaders and MAF staff have been guiding the children through the story of the Bible from Genesis through to Revelation with the help of the Gumatj Good News DVD shown on the big screen.
Each week the children have been gathering in groups to discuss theBible stories and how they can relate it to their life and community.
It has been a special time for the team running Kids Club as relationships have strengthened and the growth of the children has been clearly evident.
“What greater privilege than to be involved with the younger generation, helping and guiding them
to Christ, for they are the future.” says Peter Higham
During November the topic of teaching was the
Great Commission. The children were taught that as Christians they are asked by Jesus to go out and make disciples, baptise them, and teach them (Matthew 28:16-20). This challenged the children,
and at the invitation to be baptised numerous hands shot up to the amazement of the Kids Club leaders.
Over the next few weeks following this lesson, time was spent guiding the children through what
baptism means and why they should consider being baptised. As the discussions continued, those who had made a decision to be baptised kept putting their hands up. They were keen and they knew what it meant!
The 2nd of December saw a special service happen at ‘Beach Camp’ in Yirrkala. Many of the community
were there to celebrate and a total of 36 children were baptised. As the local Christians gathered around
these children and prayed for them there was a growing sense of excitement and awe of what God was
doing in these children’s lives. The children each received a special hand-made cross as a reminder of this
day. Praise God for this special event.

A video has been made and is available for viewing on youtube:
Make sure you watch to the end as there are some great testimonies of this day!

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