Friday night chase in Yirrkala results in Yolngu dramatic salvation
Friday night 11.15 Eric and I just wanted to go to bed as we heard and saw a car racing, turning and spinning through the streets of Yirrkala. We heard a lot of people yelling.
We started praying over the people in the car, as we didn't know what else to do. It was to dangerous to go outside and do something.
Because we are living on the corner of two streets on the edge of Yirrkala we could see a lot. The police came and went after him, but couldn't stop him. Another police car came and after 1,5 hours of racing, they crashed him. The police took the boy quickly and put him in the car, as the Yolgnu wanted to spear him. Praise God no one was hurt.
Sunday afternoon we received this news written by and MAF pilot:
For those of you who were praying for the young man in the car chase around and around and around the streets of Yirrkala you will be thrilled to know that he met Jesus that night in the prison cell.
I had noticed him attending the church over the last few weeks.
This is his story.
In his dark cell there was only light coming un...der the door.
He prayed to the Lord and asked for Him to save him.
Suddenly a light filled the room and he was converted and born again.
This morning he asked his mother's forgiveness, and this afternoon he is to ask the forgiveness of his father who owned the truck.
I was sitting around 15 paces from the man when he gave his testimony and publicly confesses his sin.
As he asked forgiveness, I smelt alcohol from that distance.
The church leadership asked me to pray for him.
He was immediately struck by the power of God (it's not often the men will fall under the power of God).
I could not smell any alcohol on his breath, so I knew that it was a spirit.
I asked him if he had been drinking that night.
He said he had, and was keen to be set free of the demon.
Once again he fell down as the spirit left him, but this time he was filled with the Holy Spirit in accordance with scripture (so he would not be 7x worse off.)
He immediately began speaking fervently in tongues. (I am convinced that tongues is God's antidote to every addiction).
There is more to his story that I cannot tell you on Facebook, as he has not given a statement as advised by his lawyer, ask me at work if you want.
Please pray for Jamie.
We were thrilled to hear this news and Praised God for what He is doing!
Friday night 11.15 Eric and I just wanted to go to bed as we heard and saw a car racing, turning and spinning through the streets of Yirrkala. We heard a lot of people yelling.
We started praying over the people in the car, as we didn't know what else to do. It was to dangerous to go outside and do something.
Because we are living on the corner of two streets on the edge of Yirrkala we could see a lot. The police came and went after him, but couldn't stop him. Another police car came and after 1,5 hours of racing, they crashed him. The police took the boy quickly and put him in the car, as the Yolgnu wanted to spear him. Praise God no one was hurt.
Sunday afternoon we received this news written by and MAF pilot:
For those of you who were praying for the young man in the car chase around and around and around the streets of Yirrkala you will be thrilled to know that he met Jesus that night in the prison cell.
I had noticed him attending the church over the last few weeks.
This is his story.
In his dark cell there was only light coming un...der the door.
He prayed to the Lord and asked for Him to save him.
Suddenly a light filled the room and he was converted and born again.
This morning he asked his mother's forgiveness, and this afternoon he is to ask the forgiveness of his father who owned the truck.
I was sitting around 15 paces from the man when he gave his testimony and publicly confesses his sin.
As he asked forgiveness, I smelt alcohol from that distance.
The church leadership asked me to pray for him.
He was immediately struck by the power of God (it's not often the men will fall under the power of God).
I could not smell any alcohol on his breath, so I knew that it was a spirit.
I asked him if he had been drinking that night.
He said he had, and was keen to be set free of the demon.
Once again he fell down as the spirit left him, but this time he was filled with the Holy Spirit in accordance with scripture (so he would not be 7x worse off.)
He immediately began speaking fervently in tongues. (I am convinced that tongues is God's antidote to every addiction).
There is more to his story that I cannot tell you on Facebook, as he has not given a statement as advised by his lawyer, ask me at work if you want.
Please pray for Jamie.
We were thrilled to hear this news and Praised God for what He is doing!
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