We are on a journey and this reminded me of the competition 'Are we there yet?', our kids did for the library.They started off with a lot of enthusiasm. Firstly they chose a way(a story or a poem) and started writing.But a little further it became hard and didn't know what to write anymore. I encouraged them and helped them a little further, but it became so hard that they wanted to give up.We put a break in so it took longer than we had planned but finally they finished. We entered their stories and weeks later we got an email that they had won a price because of the best story of Northern Territory in their age group!Yeh...
Because we are on a journey, we have to ask ourselves some questions too:
What was the initial plan?
How is it going? How to deal with the obstackles on the road?
Are we still on the right track?Which road will this go?
Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe.In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well(Mark 16:15-18)
We have been called to do so and the plane will be one of the tools.The road has been hard, and sometimes we nearly want to give up and want to go back.It's not what we had expected but we still believe we are in the place God called us for. There are opstackles on the road that need to be delt with.Which can only be delt with by His Grace!Only by turning our eyes
on Jesus and rest in Him!
Only Eric is not recovered yet, still really tired at times. The plan was to see a doctor in Cairns who is specialized in Chronical Fatigue, but there was none in Cairns.
Although we had a good time in Cairns, we couldn't get away from work related things.
Eric had to email the manager of MAF to say that he wasn't able to fly once we're back but he is able to do other work on a reduced roster.
He took Eric off the flyingroster. Also he is not allowed to fly, because his medical for his licence is not back yet.
Eric has been to the doctor to get his Aviation Medical aproved, but he needed to undergo further bloodtest and other test for the fatigue problems he is having. The doctor grounded him because of his medical was expired and because of the fatigue problem.
The bloodtest results were fine now.
For other tests he needs to travel to Brisbane or another big city. The earliest he can have an apointment is the end of September/October.
Also Maf wants us to do the Living Wisdom course, (life & counceling skills)
At the moment we try to work it all out.
We have had several meetings with Maf management, We ask for prayers for them, for wisdom and Gods leading, as they are not in a easy position too.
We had agreed that Eric is going to work in the Hangar with the engineers .
It's still all unknown where this is leading to, but we trust God that it will be good. We believe in what the Yolgnu people led by His Spirit, where praying over us.... a new ministry!
In the meantime we are a happy family.
Having good times with our Yolngu family.
They adopted Erics parents too by making a welcome hangi.