Praise God, on Monday the 14th of November Eric got his Australian Licence!!
This means he can start his flight training here in Arnhemland. He had a checkflight yesterday(21 nov), which was really hard again.
Today he is gone to Elcho Island for the rest of the week to do further training ICUS(flying under supervision).
It will not be easy for him but also for us for the coming 6 months. The flying will take probably all his energie. This morning as he was gone I felt really weak, and realized again that I had to rely on God's strenght and not my own.
I'm baking all the bread myself now as bread is really expensive in Nhulunbuy and I love the smell and the taste of warm bread. I found a good internetsite
But another miracle happened: on our way to town we alway have a look at the tip. And there Eric found a breadmaker. We took it home, prayed over it:) and the next morning we had a lovely bread out of the's working perfectly!!
This picture I hang up on the fridge and when dad came home and we had our dinner, Ruben saw his picture on the fridge and started telling dad what he made today!!
Lois loves doing her schoolwork too. She is concentrating on her job and does it needly.At the moment we are she is learning the numbers. She can almost write the numbers 0-10.But also she can bake them!

Shopping and cleaning, how do we all make it work together:
Normally shopping with 5 kids isn't that easy and fun. Especially Nhulunbuy as it is so small. But we have found a fantastic way to do it:
I bought 5 little note books. I first write all my groceries down on my own shoppinglist, than the day before we go shopping I divide them into 4 on the little notebooks. This will be a shoppinglist for each child. When we are in the shop we put 1 trolly in the most quiet ayl. We take 2 shoppingbaskets and the kids will work together. Naomi with Lois, and Aron with Hannah.
They look also for the prices and specials. I go around with Ruben in the stroller and see what else there is and if the kids need some help. I hardly have to help them and they love it too, they are not walking in the way and feel useful.
I really needed someone to help me with cleaning. I thought maybe a cleaner for 2 hours and pay her. But as I thought further I got another idea: once a week we plan a reading and cleaning day. I have made lists for every room in the house how to clean them. I have explained how to clean with our enjo cleaning products. And so every week the kids can choose a room to clean and they get some pocket money as reward. We did it for the first time, but amazing how hard they worked and how clean it all was!!
half of the family was sick on her birthday, we are planning to give a party on another day.
Naomi loves baking and
cooking, so she was really happy with her presents.
She made her own brownies and also hamburgers.

cooking, so she was really happy with her presents.
She made her own brownies and also hamburgers.

Over the past few weeks the Kids Club team has been focusing on the topic of the Holy Spirit.
The children have been generally listening very well, answering and asking questions, which has been encouraging.
This past weeks kids club night was one that the team wont forget. The night began as normal with games and dances before gathering into the separate boys and girls groups.
No one really expected that this would be a different night from the others however God had a different agenda.
Near the end of talking the question was asked: Who wants to follow Jesus? Immediately hands shot up.
The question was again asked in both Yolngu Matha and English with the same result. The group then discussed what it meant to be a Christian, a follower of Jesus.
A simply worded sinners prayer was prayed by 17 boys and 13 girls. The boys then huddled in a group, linking arms praying for each other. What a special moment!
Praise God for the miracle of Salvation.
It was an important reminder that these young boys and girls are the future of Yirrkala and surrounding areas. They may be young and beginners in the faith, yet we all once were in the same place.
Please pray for these boys and girls who gave their lives to Jesus. Pray that their hearts would be protected. Pray that they would be able to grow in their faith.
Be encouraged :)